About project

Project Title: UTB RO/2018/04 - Facilitating Knowledge Sharing in order to Increase Organizational Performance

Main objective: To research the factors affecting the intensity and quality of knowledge sharing in companies, following previous project focused on increasing company performance through human capital management.

Partial objectives:

  • To demonstrate the effect of 1) satisfaction, 2) engagement, 3) commitment, 4) perceived support from company, and 5) different forms of trust on knowledge sharing.
  • To discover the main reasons why employees in the Czech Republic do not often engage in knowledge sharing.

  • To collect best practices for facilitating knowledge sharing.

  • To identify the specifics of knowledge sharing in customer-supplier relations.

  • To define the specifics of knowledge sharing in co-working centres.

Project annotation:

The project is held at the Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Management and Economics. Primarily, the project links two main research areas at the faculty, namely the 1) performance of companies and 2) knowledge management. The project is dedicated to identify the effect of selected factors on the intensity and quality of knowledge sharing in company and to define specifics of knowledge sharing between companies.

Project main coordinator: Ing. Jana Matošková, Ph.D.

Team members: Ing. Zuzana Crhová, Ing. Petra Benyahya, Ph.D., Ing. Lucie Tomancová, Ph.D., doc. PhDr. Ing. Aleš Gregar, CSc., Ing. Lucie Macurová, Ph.D., Ing. Lukáš Danko, Ph.D.

Period of project realisation: 2018 - 2019

Project FaME UTB RO/2020/03
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