The Analysis of Knowledge Sharing in the Organization - Looking for the Way to Innovations

The survey analyses in details not only the current level of knowledge sharing in the organization, but also the setting of activities which influence knowledge sharing. Participants are either all employees or a group of employees in which it is desirable to examine knowledge sharing.

We recommend this analysis in case that you are:

  • an organization which deals with loss of valuable knowledge, e.g. as a consequence of senior employees' leavings,
  • an organization whose competitive advantage is based on intensive work with employees' knowledge or on innovativeness,
  • an organization which feels a need for a change in its approach to employees, and you are interested in employee´s engagement,
  • an organization which cares about how its current, potential or previous employees perceive the organization - you cultivate organizational culture,

and/or you do not have enough information about the following facts:

  • the level of knowledge sharing in the organization,
  • factors which influence the level of knowledge sharing in the organization,
  • why employees share or do not share their knowledge with others,
  • suitable forms and  instruments for knowledge sharing,
  • what to change and what to keep and develop in human resource management to facilitate knowledge sharing in the organization,
  • how employees perceive current organizational culture and their superiors' competencies.
Project FaME UTB RO/2020/03
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